We invite you to watch the video and make a comment about it.

Comentarios: 49
  • #49

    Eymi Marlenis Sebastian de los Santos (lunes, 11 diciembre 2023 21:14)

    Muy buena conferencia de Víctor Küppers, me encantó que hablara de que: La vida es estado de ánimo y nosostros como personas bondadosas y futuros maestros debemos de ayudar a los demás a no perder el ánimo y que descubran su pasión para que lo que hagan los pueda hacer feliz.

  • #48

    Ezequiel Henríquez (domingo, 03 diciembre 2023 15:52)

    Me parece increíble, es el ejemplo perfecto que puedes ser profesor a modo de trabajo, pero el maestro, lo es en todas partes en todas sus facetas, la manera en la que vemos al mundo es la forma en la que actuamos, me gusta la frase final de -No dejar que la otra persona se vaya, sin que se vaya un poco mas feliz- y cuando dice -si ves un alumno desanimado, ayudalo-
    Son personas también, no podemos ver el aula como oficina y a los estudiantes como simples clientes, son personas que necesitan que alguien les diga, por si no los escuchan en casa, que la vida es difícil pero no por eso es mala, las adversidades nos hacen mas fuertes. Hay que reír, jugar, disfrutar, esforzarse, para luego enseñarle a los niños hacerlo también, que puedan ser trasformadores de su entorno.

  • #47

    Ismenia De la Cruz (domingo, 03 diciembre 2023 14:57)

    Cultivar una actitud positiva ante las dificultades puede mejorar significativamente la calidad de vida y permitir vivir con alegría incluso en momentos desafiantes. La perspectiva y la actitud juegan un papel clave en cómo enfrentamos las situaciones.

  • #46

    Draws Flores Sánchez (sábado, 02 diciembre 2023 21:59)

    En una época de tanta aceleración e incertidumbre como la que me ha tocado vivir, creo fundamental recordar lo realmente importante "conectar de corazón con mis seres queridos". También considero esencial cultivar la actitud positiva que se contagia y motiva a los demás, sin dejarme abrumar por lo negativo.
    Deseo escuchar más y juzgar menos. Sueño con aportar mi granito de arena para construir una sociedad donde impere la bondad. Todo cambio comienza por uno mismo.

  • #45

    Jenifer Guzmán (sábado, 15 julio 2023 11:24)

    Una sociedad no es rica, por los bienes materiales que posee, una sociedad es rica por sus valores. Actualmente le estamos dando más prioridad al tener que al ser

  • #44

    Victor Estiben Piña Beltre (viernes, 14 julio 2023 21:47)

    Excelente conferencia, es increíble la motivación que esta puede transmitirte, a ser una buena persona, a ser mejor, y esto hace a que uno auto reflexione de que si en verdad somos buenas personas. Y que a pesar de diversas cosas o adversidades que uno pase, debemos de afrontar los diferentes problemas y situaciones de manera positiva, esta conferencia me ha sido de bastante ayuda de manera personal, debido a que estoy pasando por una situación sumamente difícil, debemos ser positivos, tener empatía.

  • #43

    MICHEL ANDREINA FELIZ (jueves, 13 julio 2023 19:00)

    Me encanto la conferencia ya que me hizo reflexionar sobre, si somos buenas personas y eso me hizo cuestionarme, me gusto mucho cuando dijo que debemos ser felices pero no ser unos payasos que hay que enfrentar los problemas de manera positiva y que debemos luchar para estar felices.

  • #42

    Emilia Contreras Jimenez (miércoles, 12 julio 2023 11:56)

    Me encantó esta conferencia, porque motiva a las personas a ser mejores, en lo personal reflexioné cuando el conferencista (Victor Küppers) decía que tener bondad es mas que tener dinero, ya que cuando uno es bueno y hace el bien, la gratificación que se recibe es tan placentera, ver como de una manera u otra le causas felicidad a alguien.

  • #41

    Jenifer (domingo, 09 julio 2023 17:49)

    Muy buena conferencia

  • #40

    Deuris Fortuna (jueves, 08 diciembre 2022)

    Mario Alonso talks about that even tho all of our successes in life are important the most important thing is being close to people that make us be better, to be in a environment were we can grow as a person, that we have to be kind and caring, those are the things that really matters, that even if you find bad people or people that did you wrong you have to be the bigger person and be kind, we have to fight against the change , even tho sometimes people make you think the right thing to do is bad, it’s not, like it’s said on the video, even if we are at the wrong path at the moment we gotta fight the change, the way we are it’s what’s gonna take us to the top or bottom but that’s defined by our acts, i personally like the fact of being optimistic , i feel like that’s something too important in our life.

    something caught my attention and it was when he said that a teacher is the most important part of our education, that means that he is in charge of teaching but to do so he needs the motivation, when a teacher lose his motivation so does the student, that’s why everybody needs motivation , because we’re like a chain. Motivation is one of the greatest keys of success in both personal and professional life.

    This Talk is really good and nutritious for people who are new teaching, this makes understand how teachers should approach or what they should even learn themselves to teach others, there’s not a greatest teacher than one who’s an student himself.

    talking in a more scientific way, Mario talks about the development of human intelligence , motivation and leadership, us as human beings have greatness we just have to work on developing it , i like something that he mentions it’s “motivation moves us to action” . he mentions 6 types of motivation , those are the following: 1.Motivation in safe environments ,2. Feeling recognized or valued, 3.Belonging to a group, 4.Challenge or challenge, 5. Grow, improve and progress , 6. Contribute to our well-being or to others.

  • #39

    Robert Fortuna (miércoles, 07 diciembre 2022 20:30)

    Although in life all our successes and achievements are important, there is nothing more important than being apart from an excellent teacher, an excellent person, because what really matters in life is how good and kind we are, remembering what is said in the video, that even if we are on the wrong path and at the moment we are a bad person, we can fight to change our way of being, thinking and behaving with others. I really liked the fact that being an optimistic person is considered important for a person, since that way we get a bit into the Stoic philosophy and we don't let the bad things in the environment ruin our day and lead us to be in conflict.

  • #38

    Daliandris Ramirez (martes, 06 diciembre 2022 19:33)

    This video is extremely interesting and I really like it because from the beginning to the end it tells us about the importance of being positive and living with joy, although we know that we cannot always be happy and positive, but we do have the power to learn how to Get the positive out of everything that happens to us in life.

    It is worth mentioning that I really liked the recommendation made by Víctor Küppers
    "You always decide your mood, or at least you can try. When you're feeling down, make a list of 20 good things about yourself. Everyone has 20 good things."

    Another important point discussed in this conference was that we must be good people, currently we see very often that people only care about ourselves and our well-being and we forget to help and be better with others, which is why We must try to be more empathetic and help others.

  • #37

    Alexandra Vizcaíno (miércoles, 30 noviembre 2022 12:59)

    Faced with adversities and the uncertainty of the future or fear of knowing the answer to our doubts, we often block ourselves, which prevents us from adopting positive attitudes. As a result, anxiety invades us and we opt for a passive attitude in the search for information.

    Decision-making is usually easier if there is clear and reliable information about the options we have. As the doctor indicates in his book, "people with an optimistic disposition are also open to seeking information about the events that concern them before making important decisions, and they weigh both the positive and negative aspects."

    Therefore, a positive attitude will be a good starting point for making decisions (or for helping the person with Alzheimer's to make them) on aspects related to their future, aimed at protecting their rights and promoting their quality of life. For example, it is difficult to decide on which legal protection tools to use if we do not know them. Without a doubt, good information favors peace of mind regarding key aspects of the future.

  • #36

    Yunelis Pérez, INGLÉS BÁSICO II sección miercoles 10:45AM-1:00PM (martes, 29 noviembre 2022 20:12)

    This video is very funny and I love it because it shows the great value of our attitude. No matter what the situation is, one should always maintain a positive attitude to live a joy-filled life.

    Another point to touch on is to be kind, people who care about helping and have good attitudes always enjoy a good mood, most of them look positive in the face of any negative situation, adding that they are altruistic, supportive and always practice compassion.

  • #35

    Luz Atany Cruz de la Cruz (jueves, 24 noviembre 2022 18:44)

    Attitudes show the way in which a person approaches life or faces a specific situation. Our attitudes allow us to build and face problems in a healthy and reflective way, and at the same time they allow us to face life and keep fighting every day, because there is no doubt that managing and maintaining a good attitude is a fundamental part of our formation as a person.

  • #34

    Rosalba Miossotti Cruz de la Cruz / 20191-0214, A-2 (jueves, 24 noviembre 2022 18:40)

    Nowadays, it is difficult for the new generations to adapt to a society with changing values, where there is a new culture, where one's own well-being is left aside and where there are demands for behaviors that one does not wish to carry out. They make finding an objective or giving a sense to the actions that are performed is becoming more and more arduous and less satisfactory. Letting see how to look at our environment and everything that happens in it under a new approach is necessary, that is, to have a good attitude.

    To have a good attitude is not to ignore everything that happens around us and much less to fall into ignorance before the different negative circumstances and the scourges that affect everyone at different scales. Having a good attitude means choosing to do, to change, to continue and to stand up regardless of the circumstances. In order to obtain better and better results in our lives, we must have the tenacity to dare, leave the fear of failure and overthink all the possibilities and scenarios that lead us to defeat. Because you lose when you lose heart.

  • #33

    Jennifer Castro (martes, 22 noviembre 2022 18:44)

    This is an interesting video, I will say that a person has a good attitude, its principles that have to be taken into account are: firstly, to be a good person is to cultivate kindness, this is because kindness changes character, and its advantage is that it opens doors, secondly, to practice compassion, and thirdly, to awaken the attention to help others.
    It is worth mentioning that life is all about the state of mind, as it is about being the best version of you and giving the best of you; you do things well because you are passionate about it and because what you do is good for society.
    On the other hand, while some people are optimistic by nature, others learn to be optimistic, and this involves: hard work, commitment, finding the way to achieve it and being conscious of the decisions you make.

  • #32

    Angelica Reynoso (miércoles, 27 julio 2022 17:43)

    Well, this conference affirms something that we already know, and that is that it is no secret to anyone that attitude is everything in a human being; the attitude goes from the way we look at things to the way we act and just as we act, we live because our actions are what guide our way of life.
    The speaker Victor Kuppers states that attitude is something 100% workable, Victor showed an equation to reflect the importance of attitude in a person that I found very interesting and is the following:

    V = (C + H) x A

    Person Value = (Knowledge + Skills) x Attitude

    He said something very true and it is that for everything in this life it is important to have knowledge, something that is also very important is the ability or experience you have in the field or area in which you want to work, but the most important thing in the formula is that the c, adds, the h, adds, but the a, multiplies. That is, knowledge adds up, skills add up; but the true value of a person is her attitude.

    The attitude that a person takes in certain situations causes that situation to be resolved in a better or worse way. The attitude that a person takes before a comment from a colleague, from his boss, from his employee, will determine how that relationship will be.

    In conclusion, attitude is the most important element that a human being can have for their performance throughout their lives, with this conference I learned a lot and that is that as teachers we must have a good attitude, since everything we reflect is what our students will grasp and in the same way the classroom will flow.

  • #31

    Raysa Guzman (sábado, 23 julio 2022 08:37)

    It is interesting to see the advice that Victor gives to his children and how you project them to be kind, cheerful and capable or the sensitivity to feel the suffering of others, that is called empathy. It is also interesting to see how he says that you can learn to be optimistic, and that we have all been pessimistic at some time and why not learn to be positive to see life in a different direction and fight for what we want.

    I have learned with this video that the value of your attitude is the value you give to your life is the result of how you want to live happy or bitter.
    I can also learn other lessons.

    Our challenge as teachers is not to let our students lose heart because that means losing their attitude and who they really are.
    When you live positively actions are the same and your good or bad attitude is the way you do things.

    As teachers we have the duty to motivate our students to find their passion, what they do well, how this generates success and finally how this contributes positively in society, we are that guide that in difficult times we help them to find the light in the tunnel.

    We must teach our children kindness and when they stop shining we must support them and give them time to find themselves.

  • #30

    Treacy Benitez, 20192-0354. Ingles básico I. (jueves, 21 julio 2022 18:31)

    This video is very interesting and I loved it, because it shows us the great value of the attitude that a person has, you always have to be positive in life full of joy, despite the circumstances that arise, one has the control to be in a bad mood or continue with a good attitude, the most beautiful thing in life is to always be cheerful and more to us as future teachers, always have a smile on your face, with tenderness and love.

  • #29

    Keylin Ramírez, Inglés Básico I (jueves, 21 julio 2022 03:10)

    I think that this conference has marked me because so many times we go through life regardless of whom we treat badly, living unhappily just because we are wrong. In addition, we must always remember that the competition is not with the side, it is with ourselves. 3. You must have the ability to adapt, to handle many events that happen to us in our lives, I always say that the limits and limiting beliefs are set by oneself.

    Another point to touch is, be kind, people who care about helping and have good attitudes always enjoy a good mood, mostly look positive in any negative situation, adding that they are altruistic people, supportive and always practice compassion.

  • #28

    Ruth Minely Ruiz Arias , Inglés Básico 1, sección: miércoles 11:40-4:00 (jueves, 21 julio 2022 00:37)

    I can truly say that this video was very enriching, the phrase that stayed with me the most and I didn't love it is that it doesn't accept what we don't like, it makes us suffer, and this phrase stuck with me more because it is something that I have lived than because of not accepting things that I don't like is suffering more than I have had to do, that's why I really recommend that we have to accept things even if they are not to our liking. Truly, this video added a lot to my knowledge, realizing that sometimes when we feel that we are not doing things that we are not doing anything because they do not give us good results, it is at that moment if we are doing that we do not see results, I love the video.

  • #27

    Ruth Minely Ruiz Arias 20191-0190 (jueves, 21 julio 2022 00:35)

    I can truly say that this video was very enriching, the phrase that stayed with me the most and I didn't love it is that it doesn't accept what we don't like, it makes us suffer, and this phrase stuck with me more because it is something that I have lived than because of not accepting things that I don't like is suffering more than I have had to do, that's why I really recommend that we have to accept things even if they are not to our liking. Truly, this video added a lot to my knowledge, realizing that sometimes when we feel that we are not doing things that we are not doing anything because they do not give us good results, it is at that moment if we are doing that we do not see results, I love the video.

  • #26

    Nicole Rosario Laureano, 20183-0378, Inglés Básico 1, sección: miércoles 11:40-4:00 (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 22:45)

    We must be aware that being happy is a choice in order to be able to apply happy living, which is not something that is instilled. Around us there are people full of negative vibes that need our help and we can only achieve that by being optimistic. One point that I would like to highlight is that the man in the conference says that we must be responsible for our state of mind and I think he is very right. Whenever something bad happens to us we go around making all the human beings who look at us pay as if they were to blame, this should not happen and even less in our profession, where we educate people to be better every day, these are the things we must avoid in order to exercise our profession as it should. "When we are happy, when we are excited, when we feel euphoric, is when we bring out the best in us" (Kuppers, 2018).

  • #25

    Yunelis Pérez Moreno, 20183-0390, Inglés Básico 1, sección: miércoles 11:40-4:00 (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 21:38)

    Being good people. In life all our successes, good successes and achievements are important, but we as teachers cannot be good professionals and bad human beings, because in the end, being empathetic is what counts, being understanding and good. Something that I really liked and that the speaker mentions is being optimistic, this is the key to having good interpersonal relationships, always being happy, it is one of the things that avoids conflicts.

    To conclude, an extremely important point is that we can always change our way of being, of thinking, of behaving with others, a task that is not easy at all, because around us, for every joy received, something negative arrives and people with problems. But we are beings capable of fighting, living with joy, of changing our environment, something that although it seems difficult, impossible, it is not and it is worth every attempt.

  • #24

    Mayra A. Núñez Flores (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 21:30)

    For me, this conference has marked me because so many times we go through life regardless of whom we treat badly, living unhappily just because we are wrong. Being happy should not depend on what happens around us, sometimes with a smile we can improve someone else's day. Smile and be happy.

  • #23

    Anabell Martinez Hernandez (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 16:54)

    Classroom A-3, Mondays from 8:00 to 11:40 am

    The value of attitude

    A positive attitude drives us to seek information and solutions. In the face of adversity and uncertainty about the future or the fear of knowing the answer to our doubts, we often block ourselves, which prevents us from adopting positive attitudes. Everything in life is an effort, for this reason, we must move forward despite failures and bad results, there will come a time when that failure will be the door that leads to success.

    his undoubtedly teaches us to make people happy despite adversity, among the advantages that this video offers us, related to the good attitude is that we manage our emotional well-being and is reflected in the physical, ie, working with our thoughts whether positive or negative influence directly on our body. Be kind, people who care about helping and have good attitudes always enjoy a good mood, mostly look positive in any negative situation, adding that they are altruistic people, supportive and always practice compassion.

  • #22

    Yudelkis Araujo Pinales (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 15:53)

    In the conference Victor Küppers highlights that our attitude is an important pillar in the face of the circumstances or events that occur in our lives. Therefore we must work on our attitude, since the way we socialize and behave with others depends on it, and that attitude that we show will make us an excellent person or a mediocre person.

    The speaker invites us to use a positive attitude at all times, he explains that this attitude can be acquired as any good habit is acquired, if we carry it out day by day, looking at life with optimism will help us achieve our goals, which makes it essential for reach success. If the positive attitude helps us and we can encourage it, but bearing in mind that not all of us have the same thoughts and emotions.

    Excellent, conference to cultivate our attitude.

  • #21

    Francis Javier Tapia Reyes (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 15:05)

    Excellent presentation, hopefully all the people who were watching this presentation put it into practice in the family, with their students, and thus form a society as special as a child wants, and make this planet what it should be.

    Being an educator is the best profession in the world, you are a 100% motivator, you are a researcher 24 hours a day, you bring smiles to others when you want, you have infallible and faithful fans, you are admired by family, friends and most importantly, you are happy .

    Excellent thank you very much for this educational video that provides the best ideas to lead a better life with yourself and others!

  • #20

    Randy Luis Peña (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 12:43)

    Hello everyone. After visualizing this interesting and exciting conference, I was able to reflect on the following points. 1. The world needs empathetic people, since they have a very special aura, since these people put themselves in the other's place, and are always willing to give and help those who need it. 2. Everything in life is an effort, for this reason, we must move forward despite failures and bad results, there will come a time when that failure will be the door that leads to success. In addition, we must always remember that the competition is not with the side, it is with ourselves. 3. You must have the ability to adapt, to handle many events that happen to us in our lives, I always say that the limits and limiting beliefs are set by oneself. We have to cultivate a good attitude and those values ​​that represent us so much as human beings. P.S. Let's be good professionals, that within that professionalism, there is a human heart, capable of being sensitive to the problems that around our society on a daily basis. #Mark Difference.

  • #19

    Jaison Miguel De la Cruz Mateo (martes, 19 julio 2022 23:03)

    Student: Jaison Miguel De la Cruz Matea
    Classroom: A-3 / Mondays from 8:00 to 11:40 am

    Victor Küppers, The value of your attitude

    Victor Küppers talks about the importance of attitude in our daily life and the importance it has in our decision making, our quality of life, our person, our environment and how this attitude can influence our lifestyle. Through attitude we can achieve benefits, that is, if every time we make a decision we do it with a better attitude, the result can be favorable. Always having a good attitude will be favorable in every way, the positive attitude is based on "positive psychology", as its name says to perform every activity or thought in the best way and with a good attitude.

    It is important to emphasize that a positive attitude at all times, helps us to acquire good habits, if we do it every day, also the speaker states that if we look at life with optimism we will be able to achieve our goals with much better results, stressing that at all times we must take a positive attitude regardless of the obstacles that we face in life.

    Finally, I can add that there are favorable points such as the fact that positive attitude can help us to achieve goals or objectives in an easier and more successful way, but, to be honest being positive does not mean being successful, my personal criteria is that it will also depend on the work, discipline and time you dedicate to your projects, if you work hard you can achieve it, being positive is a plus.

  • #18

    Penélope Yoscary de la Cruz García (martes, 19 julio 2022 22:32)

    I found this conference very enriching because it reminds us that we must do good at all times regardless of the circumstances because this is what speaks of us. Being considerate and noble with others are actions that mark a before and after in our lives and in the lives of those who receive those actions, since they feel loved and valued. We don't know how many lives we can save by being good people, encourage yourself!

  • #17

    Tania Paola Doñe Brito (martes, 19 julio 2022 20:34)

    Excellent video, in my opinion I can say that through a good attitude we can obtain benefits, that is, if every time we make a decision we make it with a good attitude, the result will be flattering. Always having a good attitude will be favorable in every way.

    “The attitude that you have is the one you want ” is a very interesting phrase that I rescued from the video; because as the video says it is absurd to think that everything has to go well to have attitude, when it is vice versa we have to choose the best attitude in the world at all times, since we cause things to go as well as possible and thus be able to spread that positive attitude , in the society to which we belong.

    The exhibitor invites us to use a positive attitude at all times, to acquire it as any habit is acquired, he learned that by always using a good aptitude, which makes it essential for us to achieve our goals. In my opinion, the exhibitor has favorable points, such as the fact that a positive attitude can help us achieve goals or objectives in an easier and more successful way.

    There are times in the conference when it can be considered that, if you do not have a positive attitude, you are not acting in the best possible way, let us remember that there are people for whom a simple ''Try it out'' is not enough, these people could have problems emotional and that they need beyond an emotional talk.

  • #16

    Aneury M. Dominguez Ortiz. 20191-0503 (martes, 19 julio 2022 20:15)

    Esta conferencia es muy importante y necesaria para todos lo seres humanos, porque nos ayuda a ser personas de bien, amables empáticos, a tener misericordia y compasión de los demás y sus situaciones que enfrentan a diario, nos ayuda también a ponernos en los zapatos del otro para entender su situación, a ser sensibles y poseer valores.
    Es de gran importancia poder valorar a cada persona sin importar su condición porque todos somos importantes en esta vida y todos tenemos derecho a ser valorado y respetado por las personas que nos rodean.

  • #15

    Rosa María De La Rosa Valdez (martes, 19 julio 2022 19:11)

    Classroom A-3, Mondays from 8:00 to 11:40 am

    The value of attitude

    Victor Küppers teaches us that the attitude we take to certain situations makes these situations are resolved in a better or worse way, for example the attitude we take to a comment from a colleague, will determine how our relationship will be.

    As a result of what was said in the conference, I can say that attitude is the way we speak, behave and think towards the people around us, that is why it is very important to work on it. Attitude is an essential element in our lives, since a positive attitude turns us into excellent people, but a negative attitude turns us into mediocre people.

    This speaker explained 6 points to work on attitude in the right way. I can highlight that one of the most important qualities is to be a good person, do no harm and help as much as possible to people who need us, develop kindness, empathy, kindness and education.

    Finally, passion and illusion are two fundamental qualities to develop a good attitude, because if we put these qualities in something we want to achieve sooner or later we will achieve it.

  • #14

    Brailyn Massiel Ramírez T. (martes, 19 julio 2022 16:40)

    Excellent video, I was very struck by the part when he said that the future generation would rise not in the best way and this is not thanks to themselves but rather to adults, those who have good values ​​and have not been taught in the others and this is very true if you don't cultivate the good things you have and don't serve as an example for others, if we stay with that then our future will be affected in one way or another.

    I believe that in the school environment it is the same, we have countless teachers who are excellent in their area but many times they do not let what they carry inside flow, and something being short or long does not help at all and as future teachers we do not We must train ourselves as good teachers and in the end not teach that in schools, otherwise that training would be of no use since we are not teaching ourselves.

    A teacher is one who inspires to move forward, shows the best that is inside, lets out their best version and that allows joy and many good things to flow from it, the teacher helps to find the vocation of each student, helps this It will be better every day.

  • #13

    Eliana Milena Tejeda B. (martes, 19 julio 2022 16:12)

    Classroom A-3, Mondays from 8:00 to 11:40 am

    Video #1. The value of attitude. Victor Kuppers.

    After watching this interesting video I can say that the principles that a person must take into account to have a good attitude are: first of all, be good people, that is, develop kindness, this is because being kind changes the character and one of its advantages is that it opens doors, secondly, practicing compassion and thirdly, awakening concern for helping others.

    In addition, the essential thing in life is to be happy and never lose joy, because it helps us to have better interpersonal relationships. It is relevant to mention that life is based on moods and, well, the purpose of everything is to be your best version and give your best; that you do things well, because you are passionate about it and because what you do helps society.

    On the other hand, although there are people who are always optimistic by nature, there are others who learn to do so, and this consists of: effort, commitment, finding a way to achieve it and, well, being aware of the choices you make. Finally, something that caught my attention is that "we should never lose hope (courage)", because if this is lost, you lose the best thing you have, and the best thing you have is the attitude and the way to be.

  • #12

    Erika Guzman De La Cruz (martes, 19 julio 2022 15:03)

    In this video the author tells us about the ability to have self confidence, where it says that we should never give up and less accept failure , we should talk to ourselves, keep our minds positive and always say I can , people with self-confidence interpret feedback , consider that self-confidence is a way of having faith in ourselves ourselves, always give our best and never give up. In conclusion, this author inspires us to always trust in ourselves.

    I want to add that in the ability of self-confidence, it is also having faith in what we are doing and not letting ourselves be badly influenced by negative thoughts, I believe that we must learn from our mistakes, always thinking positive, never lose confidence, also we must never give up, I learned that we should always say I can handle anything and everything.

  • #11

    Grisnelsi Santana Marte (martes, 19 julio 2022 06:30)

    . The value of attitude
    In life what counts is being a good person, when you are good and you practice kindness you are showing that part of you that shows how beautiful a person you are, you show that sensitive and noble part that despite the circumstances continues to characterize you.
    I like that point of view and I agree that we should live with joy, when we go through life radiating joy, enthusiasm, giving everything for everything, things go better, everything flows, everything is and goes differently in our lives.

  • #10

    Rosalba Miossotti Cruz de la Cruz / 20191-0214, A-2 (lunes, 18 julio 2022 13:49)

    En la actualidad, resulta difícil para las nuevas generaciones adaptarse a una sociedad con valores cambiantes, donde se tiene nueva cultura, el bienestar propio se deja de lado y se exigen conductas que no se desean realizar. Hacen que hallar un objetivo o darle un sentido a las acciones que se realizan sea cada vez un trabajo más arduo y menos satisfactorio. Dejando ver como mirar nuestro entorno y todo lo que en esta pasa bajo un nuevo enfoque es necesario, es decir, tener una buena actitud.

    Tener una buena actitud no es ignorar todo lo que pasa a nuestro alrededor y mucho menos caer en la ignorancia ante las diferentes circunstancias negativas y los flagelos que afectan a todos a escalas diversas. Tener una buena actitud, significa elegir el hacer, cambiar, continuar y levantarse independientemente de las circunstancias. Para obtener resultados cada vez mejores en nuestra vida, debemos tener la tenacidad de atrevernos, dejar el miedo al fracaso y sobre pensar en todas las posibilidades y escenarios que nos lleven a la derrota. Debido a que se pierde cuando pierdes el ánimo.

  • #9

    Dancaly Lorenzo Núñez / 20191-0501 (sábado, 16 julio 2022 16:23)

    Classroom: A-4
    Tuesday 11.40am - 04pm

    Having a good attitude is very important because they have the ability to give meaning to our lives in extreme or unavoidable situations. In this video, the exhibitor offers us a series of keys on the power of attitude to develop people's maximum potential. We are not only worth our knowledge, but also our skills and the attitude we show towards them. It encourages us to care for and maintain human relationships in a world as absorbing as the current one. Among the keys it provides are affection, time and attitude. Through attitude we can achieve benefits, that is, if every time we make a decision we do it with a better attitude, the result can be flattering.

  • #8

    Yoemely Encarnación 20191-0355 (jueves, 14 julio 2022 23:23)

    I liked this conference because it talks about how important it is to have empathy for others. How to be kind to other people through a bright smile and using courtesy. We must show a positive attitude towards others. Given the circumstances that life presents us. We must manage our emotions, as future teachers we work with many young people, if we manage emotions and do not act compulsively we will achieve great things with them. If we radiate happiness, we will attract happy people. It is necessary to mention the law of attraction, you attract what you think. Keep a positive attitude.

  • #7

    Isairis Santana Toledo (jueves, 14 julio 2022 14:07)

    I really liked when he talks about the importance of kindness, of empathy with others.
    Of the importance of joy that helps us to have a better relationship with people.

    I also liked when I talk about the attitudes that people can change but they are the ones who have to propose to change, because if we are good people we live better.

    I also talk about motivation, that teachers are responsible for motivating students, we have to encourage them. I also liked it a lot when he talked about the human quality of rich people who don't have money because he said that the greatest wealth is happiness.

  • #6

    Emari Celedonio Obispo (jueves, 14 julio 2022 11:07)

    Tuesday student from 8:00 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.

    Maintaining a good attitude is the key to many things, so this speaker mentions that to educate a child should start by teaching them to be good people, where they can be in solidarity with others, always maintaining that spirit of solidarity for all kinds of people.
    He also mentions something extremely important and it is the spirit, the joy, where it is known that the teacher has different roles and one of them is to maintain the spirit themselves and to know how to work so that their students do not lose it, based on strategies that collaborate to the same so that the spirit and enthusiasm never disappear; recognizing that life is a state of mind, and often the environment is that makes the change or loss of spirit occur.

  • #5

    Adalgisa De Los Santos Laurencio (20191-0316) martes de 11:40 - 4:00 (jueves, 14 julio 2022 07:47)

    Muy buena conferencia, nos hace referencia a ser empáticos, compadecernos de las situaciones de los demás, ser sensibles, humanos y poseer valores.
    Es importante valorar el que hacer de cada persona, ya que todos poseemos un papel significativo en esta vida.
    Nos señala la importancia de ser felices y ser buenas personas, no tratar de hacerlo todo, pero lo que hagas hacerlo bien.

  • #4

    Maria Manuela Corniel Melo. (miércoles, 13 julio 2022 18:13)

    Some time ago I saw this conference, today when I saw it again I remembered information that, although it passed unnoticed, is there. One of them is that a secret to being happy is to constantly work on what is good attitude. This undoubtedly teaches us to make people happy despite adversity, among the advantages that this video offers us, related to the good attitude is that we manage our emotional well-being and is reflected in the physical, ie, working with our thoughts whether positive or negative influence directly on our body.
    Another point to touch is, be kind, people who care about helping and have good attitudes always enjoy a good mood, mostly look positive in any negative situation, adding that they are altruistic people, supportive and always practice compassion.
    To conclude, it is good to highlight positive psychology, it is always there to improve people's attitudes and their communication. All those involved who analyze these lines are encouraged to boost their emotions in their favor, to attend motivational workshops if needed, but above all to promote optimism.


  • #3

    Nicole Montas Mateo (miércoles, 13 julio 2022 17:07)

    Matricula: 20191-0570
    Aula: A-4

    Excelente conferencia, nos muestra la importancia de mantener una actitud positiva frente a cada situación que vivimos. Ser positivos, ser empáticos, saber ponernos en el lugar de las demás personas y entender que cada quien tiene su lucha, que cada quien pasa por dificultades, y por esto la importancia de ser buenas personas, de siempre trata de mostrar una sonría. Al final la vida nos premia porque si somos buenas personas y tenemos una actitud positiva enfrente a cada situación, siempre nos pasaran cosas buenas.

  • #2

    Yoemely Encarnación (miércoles, 13 julio 2022 16:12)

    Interesante conferencia

  • #1

    Arianni Brito (miércoles, 13 julio 2022 11:28)

    Es muy importante no perder la sensibilidad y la compasión con otras personas por que eso es una de las cosas que nos hace humanos, así como lo es ser una buena persona y estar alegres y poder alegrarle el día a otros, otra cosa sería en vez de hacer cosas extraordinarias es muy importante hacerlo extraordinario en cosas sencillas, siempre con una buena actitud.

Comentarios: 25
  • #25

    Meiby Esperanza Galva Feliz (sábado, 13 abril 2024 12:29)

    En el video, la autoconfianza se define como creer en uno mismo para lograr cualquier tarea, independientemente de las circunstancias, dificultades o adversidades. Se menciona que es la creencia en nuestras propias capacidades para alcanzar nuestros objetivos, incluso cuando otros no crean en nosotros.

    El Dr. Ivan Joseph explica la importancia de la autoconfianza y cómo se puede desarrollar a través de la repetición y la afirmación positiva. El poseer una mentalidad positiva y reforzar constantemente nuestra autoimagen nos permite superar el miedo y el estrés. Así como alentarnos a nosotros mismos y a los demás a través de elogios constructivos puede ayudar a construir la confianza y el rendimiento en diferentes áreas de nuestras vidas.

    El video aborda temas como la importancia de las creencias personales en nuestras acciones, la influencia de la autoafirmación positiva en el rendimiento, y cómo el elogio constructivo puede ayudar a construir la confianza en uno mismo.

    Al final del video, el Dr. Ivan Joseph habla sobre la importancia de creer en uno mismo y cómo nadie más puede creer en nuestras capacidades si nosotros mismos no lo hacemos. Destacando la influencia de nuestras propias creencias en nuestras acciones y la necesidad de tener autoafirmaciones positivas para alcanzar el éxito.

  • #24

    Rosalba Miossotti Cruz de la Cruz / 20191-0214 (jueves, 24 noviembre 2022 18:45)

    It's well known that there are different factors that directly and indirectly influence the results we obtain, when performing an action with the intention of winning, reaching or achieving a goal in our lives, one of them is self-esteem. To develop it, it is necessary to improve our self-confidence ability.
    The approval of others is important, that our achievements and efforts are recognized and consequently receive merit from them. However, the greatest recognition comes from ourselves. If we don't believe in ourselves no one will believe in us and if you don't believe in yourself you can't achieve anything.
    The opportunities offered by the development of self-confidence is such that perseverance and practice are capable of beating unskilled talent. I'm not saying it's a competition, but what is the point of have something if you don't exploit that potential, and how smart are you that you're able to make something work when it hasn't been done for the purpose you've given it.
    We are what we think, we are our biggest fan, our biggest support, our biggest strength, but in the same way, our biggest weakness and our biggest enemy. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

  • #23

    Luz Atany Cruz de la Cruz (jueves, 24 noviembre 2022 18:27)

    Undoubtedly, self-confidence is a necessary skill that allows us to grow and overcome obstacles that previously seemed invisible in order to achieve our own success. Therefore, it is not only the personal belief that one is able to achieve goals, perform an activity successfully or solve a situation, but it is also betting on yourself and your dreams, it is the confidence that you are able to manage and overcome the different circumstances of your life because you trust in your own resources and abilities.

  • #22

    Raysa Guzman (sábado, 23 julio 2022 08:50)

    .Self-confidence depends on our habits and discipline, but above all on persistence, in spite of failures, not giving up, saying "no, you can't, but I can". To trust in ourselves we must be the positive voice of our soul.
    It makes me laugh a little bit because I am always one of those who says don't ask me and it's because I don't trust myself in my abilities.

  • #21

    Treacy Benitez, 20192-0354. Ingles básico I. (jueves, 21 julio 2022 18:30)

    This video shows us that negativity does not let us flow as a person and we are always with a pessimism in life, we must always move forward and never be crestfallen by the mistakes we make, if not, it is to learn from those mistakes and move forward to meet our goals with much achievement and success.

  • #20

    Keylin Ramírez, Inglés básico I (jueves, 21 julio 2022 03:12)

    This conference is very important because, Another point to touch is, be kind, people who care about helping and have good attitudes always enjoy a good mood, mostly look positive in any negative situation, adding that they are altruistic people, supportive and always practice compassion.
    A Self-Confidence Letter is a letter written when you are feeling good that is your brag sheet about yourself, highlighting your personal and professional accomplishments. When you are "down", since, "We will all experience failure, especially if we strive to be the best we can be", so we must "Believe in ourselves.

  • #19

    Mayra A. Núñez Flores 20191-0498 (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 21:51)

    What Joseph mentions is very real, because when we start to get negative that we cannot achieve it, our brain turns it into a mantra from which we can only get out if we have self-confidence and persistence, without a doubt we have all been through it and it is something that affects us because we put aside what we like just because we failed once, being persistent and repeating to ourselves that we are going to achieve it or that we can do it will allow us to achieve success.

  • #18

    Yudelkis Araujo Pinales (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 17:06)

    Self-confidence helps us feel prepared to face life's experiences. When we are sure of ourselves, we tend to move closer to people and opportunities, not away from them. And if things don't work out at first, self-confidence helps us try again.

    In addition, Dr. Ivan Joseph indicates that to build self-confidence we must distance ourselves from people who destroy us, that is, toxic people

    When a person lacks self-confidence, just the opposite happens. You are much less likely to try new things and try to communicate with a stranger. If you fail at something the first time, it is highly unlikely that you will try again. A lack of security or self-confidence can prevent a person from reaching their full potential.

  • #17

    Anabell Martinez Hernandez (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 16:56)

    Classroom A-3, Mondays from 8:00 to 11:40 am

    Self-confidence is an attitude that enables individuals to have a positive view about themselves.
    Self-confident people believe in their abilities, feel they have control over their lives, and believe they are capable of doing what they plan and expect.

    Being self-confident does not mean that you can do everything. Self-confident people have realistic expectations. Even when their interests are not met, they remain positive and accept their way of being.

    People with low self-confidence are overly dependent on the approval of others to feel good about themselves. They tend to avoid risks as they are afraid of failure. In general, they do not expect to be successful or to do well. In contrast, self-confident people are willing to be disapproved of by others because they are confident in their own abilities. They tend to accept themselves and feel that they do not have to please others to be accepted.

  • #16

    Randy Luis Peña (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 13:03)

    Hello everyone. After seeing this excellent and educational lecture, it made me think of the following. 1. Persistent practice makes perfect because practice allows us to strengthen weaknesses and continue to strengthen strengths. 2. Stop talking to yourself negatively. There are goals in our life that we have not achieved by paying attention to negative thoughts. Having the key that is our own mind, to achieve what we want to achieve. - 3. Reinforce positive behaviors through positive comments - We must surround ourselves with people who accompany us, not who subtract from us, since these people will contribute and value what we do. In short, Self-confidence is the ability or belief to believe in oneself to perform any task. When we are teachers we can teach that trusting oneself changes your life. Since we are educators, we must educate and train people for life.

  • #15

    Jaison Miguel De la Cruz Mateo (martes, 19 julio 2022 23:51)

    Student: Jaison Miguel De La Cruz Mateo
    Classroom: A-3 / Mondays 8:00 a.m. /11:40 a.m.

    Dr. Ivan Joseph - Athletic Director and Head Coach

    In this conference Dr. Ivan Joseph, emphasized that skills do not become automatic just because you have done them once or twice, but that the key to having the ability to complete a task is repetition and persistence.

    In addition to that, Dr. Joseph emphasized that we must be open to feedback and use it to grow. "people will always make comments, so it is not wise to heed all feedback but to be open and thoughtful."

    But, there is a difference between people who give feedback to help you grow and those who are just trying to bring you down. So we must be alert and stay away from those who are trying to tear us down and remember that "you also have a role in how to build trust in others".

    This talk really caught my attention, as Dr. Joseph suggests that when you experience failure or feel down, find three affirmations that you believe in and say them to yourself, and read his Self-Confidence Charter. A Self-Confidence Letter is a letter written when you are feeling good that is your brag sheet about yourself, highlighting your personal and professional accomplishments. When you are "down", since, "We will all experience failure, especially if we strive to be the best we can be", so we must "Believe in ourselves. Because if we don't, who will do it for us?

  • #14

    Aneury M. Dominguez Ortiz. 20191-0503 (martes, 19 julio 2022 20:29)

    This video teaches us to stop being negative in the things they do, we must have confidence and self-confidence to carry out any task, without thinking about the different obstacles, problems or challenges that come our way.

    We cannot allow an error or a bad moment to take away our courage to continue trying what we want, but rather serve as an example to improve ourselves and do better in the next attempt. In addition, we must move away from the people who only bring discouragement and discouragement to our lives in those difficult moments, we must get ourselves to people who help us to move forward and who are of encouragement for us not to give up along the way and to be able to fulfill our goals.

  • #13

    Rosa María De La Rosa Valdez (martes, 19 julio 2022 19:17)

    Classroom A-3, Mondays from 8:00 to 11:40 am

    The skill of self-confidence.

    Self-confidence is the ability or belief to trust oneself, to perform any task, regardless of obstacles, difficulties and adversities.

    The speaker emphasizes that we are coaches, educators, teachers and people, who will create value in the world; and in doing so, we are critical by nature of what we do. Self-confidence is one of the most important skills to develop, because it can turn our lives around in a positive way.

    Dr. Ivan Joseph states that doing something many times (repetition and practice) is the way to train that confidence that we are capable of carrying out a task, that is, we feel self-confident when the task we have to perform is not new to us and we do it well.

    It is important that we stay away from people who do not want to see us grow, that is, toxic people, since they sow doubt in us and become an unnecessary burden on our way to having confidence in ourselves.

  • #12

    Brailyn Massiel Ramírez T. (martes, 19 julio 2022 17:00)

    Self-awareness is something super powerful, this helps us to make any dream come true because we trust in ourselves, and if we want it we can achieve it, something very important to create an environment of self-confidence is repetition things are not achieved overnight for another we must be persistent in what we really want to achieve and not give up until we achieve it.

    We must not adapt to failure and something very important in which we must work is in our minds many times we want to achieve something but mentally we already said no, as much as we want to do it and our mind is negative we will not achieve it, we must start to think like winners even if we have not achieved it even when we have this mentality nothing makes us change our minds or our vision.

    As future teachers this is something very important for our students, self-confidence, we must train people with a positive mentality with a vision for a better future, since when you want you can, everything is possible for those who believe it.

  • #11

    Eliana Milena Tejeda B. (martes, 19 julio 2022 16:13)

    Classroom A-3, Mondays from 8:00 to 11:40 am

    Video #2. The skill of self-confidence.

    It is important to understand what self-confidence really consists of, and this is achieved by doing it, since self-confidence is the ability or belief of trusting oneself, to carry out any activity or thing. Self-confidence is built throughout life, and is strengthened when we exercise it in difficult or adverse situations in which we think we cannot achieve it.

    So, the key phrases to work on self-confidence are: First, there is no magic button, the key is, repeat, repeat and repeat. Second, practice, practice, practice and not accept failure. Third, persistence, one of the pillars of self-confidence, is one way to create it. Fourth, talk to yourself, do not pay so much attention to the negative voice in your head, since thoughts influence our actions. Fifth and last, we need to get our self-confirmations, that is, ´´I am the captain of my ship and the master of my destiny´´.

    In short, I am the one who has the reins of what he wants and must do, but time will tell if the actions and decisions taken were correct or not. But the important thing is to know how to make the decision and trust yourself even if the results are not what you expected.

  • #10

    Erika Guzman De La Cruz (martes, 19 julio 2022 15:27)

    In this video we reflect and teach us that for children to be happy it is important that each one of them be a good person and that they are kind I consider that we should try to live happily in other words we must fight to be good people always trying to think about our trajectory professional.

    I want to highlight the part where it is said that there are many people researching neuroscience where it has been proven that attitude can work in addition to being optimistic as well.

    In the field of teachers, we can say that this should help keep up the spirit as much as a person to be able to give it to the students, in addition to helping the students find their vocation. There is something that one does very well, besides what you are passionate about and that you do well emphasizing that everyone has a gift.

    Teachers must give the best they have inside, try to be a better person, something very important is that the role of a leader is to motivate as well as influence.

    Let's stay with you never have to throw in the towel you have to fight.

  • #9

    Rosalba Miossotti Cruz de la Cruz / 20191-0214, A-2 (lunes, 18 julio 2022 14:49)

    It's well known that there are different factors that directly and indirectly influence the results we obtain, when performing an action with the intention of winning, reaching or achieving a goal in our lives, one of them is self-esteem. To develop it, it is necessary to improve our self-confidence ability.
    The approval of others is important, that our achievements and efforts are recognized and consequently receive merit from them. However, the greatest recognition comes from ourselves. If we don't believe in ourselves no one will believe in us and if you don't believe in yourself you can't achieve anything.
    The opportunities offered by the development of self-confidence is such that perseverance and practice are capable of beating unskilled talent. I'm not saying it's a competition, but what is the point of have something if you don't exploit that potential, and how smart are you that you're able to make something work when it hasn't been done for the purpose you've given it.
    We are what we think, we are our biggest fan, our biggest support, our biggest strength, but in the same way, our biggest weakness and our biggest enemy. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

  • #8

    Dancaly Lorenzo Núñez / 20191-0501 (sábado, 16 julio 2022 16:10)

    Classroom: A-4
    Tuesday 11.40am - 04pm

    We must not be negative, we must trust oneself to carry out any task, regardless of obstacles, difficulties and adversity. We should not fall or be disappointed in bad times, they should serve as experience to do better in the next one. We must stay away from people who will not help you grow. Those negative people who see everything bad in you and don't let you be yourself, there are times when some advice is good to grow as a person but on many occasions there are people who want to change the way you are and it shouldn't be like that. We must be comfortable with ourselves, not comply with stereotypes that other people want us to have, I must please myself, not others.

  • #7

    Yoemely Encarnación 20191-0355 (jueves, 14 julio 2022 23:28)

    I really liked this conference because it leads us to reflection. We must believe in ourselves, because if we don't believe in ourselves, nobody will. We must cast out fear and believe in ourselves. Nobody wins a battle with fear. It's time for you to stand in the mirror and remove the blindfold. Recognize the great potential you have and believe in yourself. I believe in me and you?

  • #6

    Emari Celedonio Obispo (jueves, 14 julio 2022 14:56)

    Tuesday student from 8:00 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.

    Self-confidence is the key to success to get ahead and face great challenges. The first thing is to leave behind the word or I can do it, it is a lake that the mind tends to say by itself, when it generates certain ways or ways to create that you can not achieve things. However being in constant practice, practice and practice things helps a lot to achieve what you want. It is also important not to listen to the opinions of others that you do not achieve things, this influences not to do it, but if your mind and confidence you put in yourself, without any fear you will do it but in a spontaneous and positive way that if you will achieve it.

  • #5

    Isairis Santana Toledo (jueves, 14 julio 2022 14:14)

    He was talking about self-confidence, which is the faith or belief in oneself that I can.
    Also about practice, that to be confident you have to practice, repeat and many times because it is a way to build confidence, because I cannot go on to be an oral presentation without practice.
    As teachers we must encourage students to be better at doing, by practicing.

  • #4

    Adalgisa De Los Santos Laurencio (20191-0316) martes de 11:40 - 4:00 (jueves, 14 julio 2022 07:58)

    Excellent conference, it emphasizes the importance of believing in me, in my skills, abilities and agility, if I set my mind to something I can achieve it if I believe in myself. If I don't believe in myself I will never be able to achieve what I set out to do, it is important to repeat to myself the words that I can, I am going to achieve it and I am capable of doing it. One strategy for speaking confidence is to practice in front of the mirror.

  • #3

    Maria Manuela Corniel Melo. (miércoles, 13 julio 2022 18:56)

    When you're good at something, everyone wants you. Not only do I mean friendships, but you also become the favorite within a large mass of people. We have an example with the teachers of the uasd, this subject does not need to be given much detail as it is something evident in this campus.
    The ability of self-confidence flourishes on many levels, biological, academic and social. To achieve our personal goals and become happy we need to have a degree of confidence in the levels mentioned.
    When we master self-confidence we demonstrate a different environment in which many people feel comfortable to share with us and it is because that security is transmitted.
    I want to talk a little about myself.
    Previously they asked who manuela corniel is? And the truth had no idea what to answer. I can now answer fluently by saying that I am a proactive, confident and sincere person. To know those aspects of myself I started from below, to look at myself in the mirror every day and to love who I am.
    Once you start this, your faith increases, your vision for yourself and the world are totally different, you don't care about the obstacles because you begin to visualize solutions no matter the terrain.
    I propose you to seek until you find yourself, always ask yourself what you lack and work on it, stay away from people who are not positive points in your life.
    Remember: thoughts influence actions, do it against nature but do it.

  • #2

    Nicole Montas Mateo (miércoles, 13 julio 2022 15:27)

    This video leaves a great lesson for me. I'm a shy person, I think too shy, and I went to a psychologist, and there I was diagnosed with stage fright. In all this time I have not been able to overcome this problem because I give up, I let the negativity of my mind consume me, I let fear overcome me, it always happens to me that I have that little voice in my head that tells me that I cannot do it, that I would go wrong and I don't do things, I just give up. I'm not a bad student but I know that if I didn't have that problem I would be one of the best, because I always try to do my best. This video opened my eyes and helped me realize that if I can change that, that I just have to practice and that if I fail I can do things again, I just don't have to give up. I must work on my self-confidence.

  • #1

    Arianni Brito (miércoles, 13 julio 2022 11:40)

    The most important thing is to have confidence in oneself to be able to achieve what one sets out to do, one of the ways to achieve it is the repetition that has been the ability to practice, so that when one has to do something instead of getting nervous It would be something normal since it is something that one has practiced several times.

Educación: es sinónimo de libertad.

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