Programa de Inglés

Clave de Acceso a Classroom:

Unit 1

Act. 2 : Developing a Forum for preferences.

A-Read the information and make a comment in the forum.


 B- You have to reply to at least one classmate.



Comentarios: 1
  • #1

    Yeymy Diaz aula A14 Martes 8:00 am (miércoles, 20 julio 2022 09:32)

    Being a good teacher implies having many qualities like those seen in the video, that's why I thought it was a good video and an example to follow. Even more so in the times we live in, with so many technological advances and advances in society in general that force us to adapt to changes as part of normality.

    The qualities that I would like to learn for my future teaching practice are learning to think like a child and act like an adult, since children see things with great creativity and naturalness. Also be a guide in student learning, allowing them to build their own learning through the implementation of new methodologies.

Educación: es sinónimo de libertad.

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